Preparing for your headshot!

What should I do to prepare for my session?

Get plenty of sleep the night before your session. Lack of sleep does not photograph well. If you are relaxed and rested, it will show in your final images.

Any special skin care tips?

Moisturize your skin well the night before your headshot session as well as the morning of your appointment. If you’ve scheduled our makeup artist for your shoot, do not apply any make-up before your session.

What should I wear for my headshot session?

Bring your wardrobe to the session on hangers—do not wear it. You want everything neatly pressed at the time of the session. Seatbelts are notorious for adding wrinkles.

Avoid all black and all white. If you know “your palette,” by all means bring it. If you don’t know your preferred colors, choose something that brings out the color in your eyes. Otherwise, bright colors and jewel tones are flattering. Don’t choose items that are seasonal. People will be looking at your images year round, and you want your portrait to look fresh regardless of the time of year.

Short sleeve/sleeveless should usually be avoided. That being said, if you’ve got “buff” arms and want to show them off, by all means let ‘em show. But for most of us, keeping arms covered is preferable.

How many outfits should I bring?

There is no magic number, but in this case more is better. Choose outfits that are professional, yet convey a feeling of approachability.  Most important, make sure your clothes are clean, crisp and neatly pressed. Bring everything on hangers. Even knits should be pressed and wrinkle free. Even the best software can’t remove wrinkles from your clothes, and nothing ruins a great portrait more than unkempt-looking clothes. For Quick Pick session— you will come camera ready!

Why do I need a professional headshot?

Your digital brand is key. It is usually the first impression that clients, prospective employers and colleagues have of you. And in today’s world of social media and online networking, like LinkedIn and Facebook, your headshot speaks volumes to your professional image. If you don’t have a headshot on LinkedIn, it just begs the question, “Why doesn’t this person have a profile picture?” A bad headshot says you don’t take your professional image seriously. An outdated headshot implies that you don’t keep up with trends and technology. Whether you’re looking for a job, building your professional network or you’re an actor, musician or author, your professional portrait and headshot is your most important marketing tool.

What about eyeglasses?

If you normally wear eyeglasses, plan to wear them during your session. BUT if your eyeglasses do not have a non-glare coating, we recommend that you visit your optometrist to borrow a pair of your frames without glass. Glass glare can be a real problem, and your emotion, connection and authenticity all begin with your eyes. If bringing a second pair of frames is not an option, we can remove glass glare in postproduction for an additional charge.

Will my images be airbrushed?

Quality postproduction is almost as important as the photoshoot itself. Proper airbrushing, sharpening and color correction are essential. All of your final images will receive the high quality, meticulous finishing they deserve. Most important, they will look natural and not overly processed. You want your final image to look like you, not an unprofessional Photoshopped version of you.

Do I need a make-up artist for my corporate headshot session?

It’s not required, but is definitely recommended. Nine out of ten of our female client choose to have their makeup done by one of our specially trained makeup artists. Well-applied makeup takes a good image and makes it look even more polished and professional. Our artists specialize in a natural look that doesn’t make you look overdone, but instead well put together. Read more about makeup.

Makeup isn’t just for women. Professionally applied makeup for guys will make you look younger and slimmer. Men should also pay attention to your beard. If you tend to show a heavy five o’clock shadow, book your session early in the day, unless this is the look you are going for. For male talent, if you want the slightly grown stubble look, come with it, and bring an electric razor for a few clean-shaven shots as well.

What happens during my session?

Your final image will be a reflection of how you are feeling at the time of our session. Be prepared to relax, have fun and be a little playful. The resulting image will be a portrait that reflects your genuine personality and one that you will be proud to use in the right venue for the right results.

Our spacious studio has a separate shooting area and changing room. The changing area allows you to spread out, get comfortable and relax before and after your session.

Our speciality is capturing your authenticity. We shoot directly into a computer so that you see your images realtime. We will shoot and review your images multiple times—each time refining your choices until we capture the picture that best represents your brand and the image you want to portray.


What should I wear?